Nuestra pasión es transformar la vida de las personas a través del diseño.

Our Passion is transforming peoples life trough design.



ResidenCial |RESIdential

Designing Health and Wellness spaces that protect the family health


ComerciaL | comercial

Office Wellness Design

healthcare design Salud

 Creating Healing Environments that foster health and Wellness

Diseño de Salud Humanizada


Medico Express San Isidro es un Centro Ambulatorio de Urgencias Médicas y Diagnóstico. Donde el servicio Humanizado y la Experiencia de los pacientes y usuarios juega un papel vital. Se ha diseñado para que la luz natural y la naturaleza sea protagonista de todos los espacios.


Sala de Espera Sotano, Departamento de Imágenes, Fotos Ivanna Rodriguez

RENDER vs Realidad

Sala de Cirugía Ambulatoria

Warm Welcoming Environment Design to Nurture and Heal


Transformando una UCI en un entorno terapéutico que promueve el bienestar y la salud de los pacientes, familia y staff.

Transforming a gloomy and dark ICU into a a Healing Environment to foster health and wellbeing of the patients, families and staff.

CAG 2962 ok.jpg

Newborns get a Happy Welcoming Environment


The new space in the Nursery and NICU for the CMAAG transforms the way pediatricians and nurses worked. A happy color palette with special protection to the eyes of the newborns, that foster a soft warmth, embracing life.

Centro de Medicina Avanzada Abel Gonzalez | Baby Nursery and ICUN

Centro de Medicina Avanzada Abel Gonzalez | Baby Nursery and ICUN

Work Cafe


A trendy work cafe for a law firm that needed a place for the wellness of its lawyers to move away from the desks.

Featuring Caleidoscopio Tables By international designer Michelle Urtecho

Featuring Caleidoscopio Tables By international designer Michelle Urtecho